Anaerobic Digestion

Biogas Production or Methanogenesis

  • Renewable Energy

    Not only an effective waste management solution but also a source of renewable energy. The process generates biogas.

  • Nutrient Recycling

    Breaks down organic waste into nutrient-rich digestate; a soil conditioner and fertilizer.

  • Carbon Sequestration

    Carbon captured in the process is utilized as a renewable energy source, thereby reducing overall greenhouse gases.

Inspired by Alessandro Volta 1776 (age 31)

In 1776 Count Alessandro Volta discovers methane emissions from natural anaerobic sites.

Physicist & Chemist

After Volta's work on methane emissions, he shifted his focus to a seemingly unrelated field, which culminated in his invention of the Voltaic Pile in 1799, with findings reported in 1800. Scientists who continued his work eventually circled back to energy production and storage. His discoveries paved the way for significant advancements in electricity and laid the foundation for modern battery technology.

Anaerobic Digestion

Clean Energy

Inspired by Humphry Davy 1808 (age 30)

Sir Humphrey Davy discovered that methane is a constituent of the gas produced by cattle manure. Detailed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Volume 98, Issue 98 Dec 1808.

Bio Toilet Kits

Perfectly safe burnable fuel created from your waste!

Inspired by Michael Faraday 1821 (age 30)

His first recorded experiment on electricity and magnetism was the construction of a voltaic pile. Differing from Volta he passed the electric current through a solution of sulfate of magnesia and succeeded in decomposing the chemical compound.

Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, and Sir Humphry Davy each made significant contributions to science at the age of 30, though in different years. In 1800, Volta invented the Voltaic Pile, the first chemical battery, which provided a continuous source of electricity and laid the foundation for electrochemistry.

Similarly, at 30, Faraday and Davy made groundbreaking discoveries. In 1821, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction, which revolutionized electric power generation. Davy, at 30 in 1808, isolated several elements through electrolysis, significantly advancing chemical science. Their achievements at this common age highlight their crucial roles in shaping modern electricity and chemistry.